ya it was so so sooooo COLD!! and i HATE the cold!! that is why i live in the desert! so now that we've established that i REALLY don't like the cold you can imagine how my week went... i wore at least 5 layers at all times!! i always had 2 jackets on and that silly little scarf wrapped clear up to my eye balls!! there was no way i was letting any of that snow touch me!!
So here's where my adventure in Utah starts... i decided to fly up there cuz there was no way little marty the metro was going to make it up there PLUS i can't drive in the snow (basically crappy car and horrible driving skills equaled accident so i avoided them both) so first problem NO car. then day after getting to Utah my aunt calls me to tell me they have to shut off my phone for the weekend so now i have NO car and NO phone and i'm in a place where i have NO clue where i'm going.
jessica sends me a message on facebook and wants me to come pick her up from work cuz there's a snow storm and she doesn't want to walk home in it. (so are you seeing the problems lining up?) she gives me the worst directions of my life and i head out in the storm with her car to find her! well about 10 minutes on this journey i've almost been in more accidents then i can count and am totally lost! so i pull up to the first guy i see and ask for some help. he's just as clueless as i am so as i drive off i yell "well thanks alot!" in a not so friendly voice.
i pull into the first parking lot i can find so A) i don't kill someone with my horrible driving and B) i can stop and figure out where i'm at. i see this guy standing next to his car and decide to ask for some help again. after explaining to him my problem he gives me his cell phone to call jess. as me and jess are yelling at each other trying to figure out where i am he asks if he can talk to her i hand him the phone and do you know what the first thing he says to her was..." my name is Boubacar, i only speak French and just know a little English..." (yes and that is how you say his name boob a car!) i can hear jessica laughing in the background as her and him try to understand each other and figure out how to get me in the right place.
after he's was done talking to jess i followed behind him and he took me to where she was. i pulled into the parking lot and jess says to me " are you KIDDING me breinn!!! out of all the guys that are on the BYU campus you find the ONE guy that's from Africa AND only speaks French!!!!" what can i say i'm just amazing i guess!!! it was really some adventure and i really am grateful for nice people like that, that help a complete idiotic stranger like me out! so here's us and boubacar we met up with him to take his picture later on that night because it was just to funny and i had to have proof!

so ya basically we're like best friends with him now! not really but he did try and convince us to go to Vegas with him and his friend for the week but we passed that opportunity up. but he keeps telling me he's going to come to az to visit me some time. he definitely in NOT my edward!!! i think this man hunt is really going down hill for me!! i swear he has got to be in his 30's!!!! oh well i'm just going to have to hunt harder!