ok so you would think that in such a big town and with so many malls and stores that you would be able to find just the right dress right??? WRONG!!! i swear it's the universe is just against me looking cute for new years!!! so i have a SLIGHT problem... i'm really short! i'm 5 foot nothing! so normally i really don't care about my height ya know i've kinda lived with it for 19 years. but you see the problem is i'm not only short but i'm stumpy.... ok i'm really just abnormally, heavily proportioned in my front upper and my back lower areas haha basically i got CURVES! so finding the right dress is quit a challenge.
1. the dress is meant for normal people which means if it goes to their knees it hits my ankles!!
2. if the dress is short you think it would fit just right NOPE it hikes up underneath the cheeks in the back and hangs down at the knees in the front!
3. i'm not supper skinny so i don't like things just clingin to my lard! it's treacherous and makes me feel like i have to suck in everywhere i go! no fun!
so after three days of a major dress hunting i've come up empty handed!!! oh don't get me wrong i'm not oober picky i found some cute ones but guess what i'm not a freakin money tree (oh my gosh did i just refer to myself as a money tree!!! aaahhh i sound like a parent!! SCARY!!!)
so if you must know why i'm so stressed for a dress it's because the dress is just a little pon in the big scheme of thing...i'm on a man hunt! HELLO i've got to get myself a new years kiss!!!! so if i have the right dress and i look effin HOT then i can get a amazing hunk!!!! and get my first new years kiss!!! so yup thats the plan!!! GO TEAM!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008

so me and my mom are very similar... ya I can't believe I'm admitting that one. so we both have really random weird moments and we love to share them with each other. this particular time my mom calls me up and the phone call goes something like this...
me: hey
mom: did you get my e-mail?
me: uhhh nope. haven't checked it yet.
mom: well go check it! I saw a UFO and sent you the picture!!!
me: YOU WHAT?!?! are you kidding me!!! WHEN? WHERE?
mom: ok SOOOO we were driving home from church when we saw them both in the sky! there was a big one and a little one. when we got home I ran inside and grabbed the camera but by the time I got back outside the tittle one zoomed away but I still got the big one!!!
so that's the picture of her UFO. it's pretty legit I must say!!! haha it makes you wonder.....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Just getting started
ok WELL... i really am not sure why i'm doing this i guess i just want to document my life, past and present. i'm not good with keeping a journal so maybe this will be better. ( fingers crossed) well to start this blog i'll just tell you i'm very random and goofy. it's not my fault tho i blame it on my mom and genetics! so i don't know about all of you but i am one of those weirdo Twilight fans!!! yes i will admit it i got my tickets for the midnight showing a week in advance and camped out in line for a good 5 hours to get the best seats in the theater! so needless to say us girls have been talking none stop about how excited we are for this movie. we went all out! we made the SWEETEST shirts ever that say " i heart Edward" on them, we bought fangs and we planned on dressing up all cute for the movie! (memo:put pictures up when i get them) SO this guy that was in my old ward that i haven't really met has been texting me every now and then (you know seeing if i'm possible dating material) and he new we were going to the midnight showing. so that morning he texts me about the twilight movie, i told him that i was so excited and that i've never been more excited for anything in my whole life! so the boy officially thinks i'm a nerd then he says QUOTE "well as long as you aren't dressing up like all those other weirdos then i guess that's cool.." me thinking i'm so funny sent him the picture of my shirts i made..... WELL lets just say the boy never text me back haha i'm pretty sure i scared him away with my obsession! haha oh well i need a guy who can deal with my weirdness right? RIGHT! so we went to the movie and let me just tell you I LOVE TWILIGHT!!! i think they did an amazing job following the book!! i walked out of the theater ready to start the hunt for MY Edward! i'd even settle for a Emmett or a Jasper!!! they were both FIIIIINE!!! well i better get out of bed and get all gussied up for the day so i can catch me a man!
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